Josh Play Recipes Conversions Measurement Conversions

While these recipes were written or adapted for use with standard (non-metric, Imperial, American) measurements, many people accessing these recipes are not based in the United States (which refuses to go to the metric system), Canada (which, though officially metric, still understands the Imperial system), or Britain (ditto). Therefore this information has been provided in an attempt to help metric system users convert into measurements that have more meaning to them.

Dry ingredient conversions

Imperial Metric
1 ounce (oz) 28.4 g
1 pound 454 g
2.2 pounds (lb) 1 kg

Liquid ingredients


American Metric (mL) Imperial (fl oz)
1 pint 450 16
1 cup 225 8
1 tablespoon 16 0.5

Country-specific differences

Country Cup Tablespoon Teaspoon
Australia 250 mL 20 mL 5 mL
Canada 250 mL 15 mL 5 mL
UK 250 mL 15 mL 5 mL

Other ingredient equivalencies

1 stick of butter or margarine 0.5 cups 8 tablespoons

Temperature conversions

F C Description
225 110 very cool
275 140 cool
325 170 lukewarm
350 180 moderate
400 200 moderately hot
425 220 hot
475 240 very hot

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Last update Dec29/19 by Josh Simon (<>).