Last update Dec29/19W3C//Dtd html 4.0 Transitional//EN" ""> Master Style Guide: Chapter 11

Chapter 11
Working with flowcharts

This chapter discusses the issues involved with flowcharts, including:

These are discussed in the following sections.

Creating flowcharts

Flowcharts should be used to illustrate one or more of the following:

Flowcharts can be created in any graphics-capable tool, including publishing tools (such as Microsoft Word or FrameMaker) and graphics tools (such as Visio).

Formatting flowcharts

The formatting of flowcharts depends on whether they are part of a document or the entire document as well as the complexity of the flowchart.

Using symbols in flowcharts

The following general symbols are used in flowcharts:

Additional symbols may be used to represent devices (such as CD-ROMs, disks, or tapes).

Defining styles for flowcharts

In general, the following style rules apply to flowcharts:

If the flowchart is contained within a technical document:

If the entire document is a flowchart:

Using flowcharts in technical documents

Flowcharts should only be used in technical documents when:

Flowcharts generally define a process flow with a specific start, a specific completion, and specific procedures from moving from one container to another, be it by user input or a decision tree or a case statement.

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Copyright © 2001 Joshua S. Simon.