Josh Play Recipes Entree Standing Beef Rib Roast



  1. Trim the meat (almost entirely) off the bone.
  2. Make a marinade of 2 parts yellow mustard to 1 part Worcestershire sauce, with a little freshly ground black pepper. You'll want enough to cover the entire roast, including between the meat and bones.
  3. Slather the marinade over the whole thing (including between the meat and bones).
  4. Reserve any extra marinade (or make more if needed) to heat in a saucepan as gravy to use at service.
  5. Tie the roast up so the whole thing is solid.
  6. Roast at 325°F for 20–22 minutes per pound for medium rare (adjusting time and temperature based on your oven's accuracy and the number of ribs/size of the roast).

Serving suggestion

Serve in medium-thick slices with extra (heated) marinade, alongside a starch and vegetable of your choice, such as fruit-stuffed acorn squash.

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Last update Dec30/23 by Josh Simon (<>).