Index of The MUD Resource Collection
The MUD Resource Collection is a list of links to many useful sources
of MUD information. The links should be of interest to both "normal"
users of MUDs, as well as to researchers studying MUDs and related
forms of computer-mediated communications. These pages are provided as
a service to the academic community.
Recent visits to the main pages of the collection:
This material Copyright 1994-1997. May be reproduced in any freely
distributed medium, so long as URL and credit are given.
Last update: March 13th, 1997
These pages have moved. The new URL is -- please update your links!
The main pages of the Collection are as follows:
FAQs and General Information
Research-Oriented Links
MUDlists and MudWHO
Web Servers and WWW Interfaces to Games
FTP Archives
Recent Changes
The following pages have not been updated since September 1996 (but are
likely to be pulled out of mothballs in the future) and still may provide
a useful amount of information:
Amberyl's Almost-Complete List of MUSHes
The Automated MUSH List
MUD Home Page Links
If you know of any major MUD information repositories not listed in
the Collection, please email me
at and let me know. If you like these
pages, please feel free to link to them, and
sign my guestbook!
These pages are frequently updated.
The graphics on these pages are limited to colored dots; due to the number
of accesses these pages get, reduction of images and the size of individual
pages decreases the load on the server (and is friendly to those not
fortunte enough to have Netscape as their browser).
The MUD Resource Collection has won a large number of awards, which one
day I may add a page to display; I consider this a triumph of substance
over form in a day and age where webpages are frequently high-glitz,
low-content. Thank you all for supporting the Collection.
Lydia Leong, otherwise known as 'Amberyl', maintains these pages. She is
the moderator of, and spends most of her MUD-related
time on projects such as this, or on MUSHes. The truly curious can look
at her list of projects.
[Index] |
Lydia Leong / / August 16th, 1994